Crispy Baked Falafel: Easy, Healthy, and Delicious

Fresh Pita filled with Falafel for dinner.

If you’re looking for a delicious, healthy, and easy-to-make falafel recipe, look no further! Our homemade falafel is remarkably crispy for a baked option and perfect for meal prep. This recipe is packed with flavor, featuring fresh herbs and spices, and it’s a great addition to any meal.

A Brief History of Falafel

Falafel is a beloved Middle Eastern dish with origins that are hotly debated. Some believe it originated in Egypt, where it was made with fava beans, while others claim it was first made in the Levant region using chickpeas. Regardless of its precise origin, falafel has become a staple street food and a popular vegetarian option worldwide, known for its rich, herby flavors and satisfying crunch.

The Secret to Crispy Baked Falafel

The key to making the best homemade falafel is to use dried chickpeas, not canned. Soak the dried chickpeas for at least 4 hours, but preferably overnight, to achieve the perfect texture. This step is crucial because canned chickpeas are too wet and will result in sad, mushy falafel pancakes.

Once your chickpeas are soaked and ready, the rest of the process is a breeze. Simply combine all the ingredients in a food processor, shape the mixture into patties, and bake. Baking the falafel ensures they are healthier than the fried version while still achieving that delightful crispiness.

Pro Tips for Perfect Falafel

  • Use Dried Chickpeas: Canned chickpeas are too wet and will result in a mushy texture.
  • Add More Oil if Needed: If the falafel mixture isn’t sticking together, add a little more olive oil.
  • Brush with Olive Oil: For an extra crispy texture, brush a little olive oil on top of the falafel patties before baking.

This homemade falafel recipe is perfect for those who want a healthy, delicious meal that’s easy to prepare. Make a large batch to enjoy throughout the week, or halve the recipe for a perfect lunch or dinner option. Enjoy your crispy baked falafel with your favorite toppings and sauces!

Baked Falafel on a silpat cookie sheet right out of the oven

Crispy Baked Falafel: Easy, Healthy, and Delicious

This easy, healthy falafel recipe uses soaked chickpeas and fresh herbs for a flavorful, crispy baked dish. Perfect for meal prep and versatile for various meals.
5 from 1 vote
Prep Time 30 minutes
Cook Time 30 minutes
Chickpea Soaking Time 6 hours
Course Entrees, Lunch, Main Course
Cuisine Mediterranean, Middle East
Servings 6 of 4 falafels
Calories 263 kcal


  • Food Processor
  • Silicone Baking Sheet
  • Sheet pan
  • Spoon or Ice cream scoop 1.5 – 2 tbsp, optional


  • 380 g Dried chickpeas, soaked at least 4 hours, preferably overnight 2 c
  • 200 g Red onion cut into chunks
  • 113 g Olive oil 125ml
  • 55 g Fresh cilantro 1 c
  • 40 g Fresh curly parsley 1 c
  • 9 g Kosher salt 2 t
  • 5 g Cumin 1 t
  • 1-2 g Ground cinnamon ½ t
  • 1-2 cloves Garlic


For the dried chickpeas

  • Cover the chickpeas in at least an inch of water and soak for a minimum of 4 hours, but preferably overnight in the refrigerator

For the falafel

  • Once chickpeas have soaked and you are ready to make the falafal, preheat an oven to 425 F and line two baking pans with a silicone baking mat, or cover with a thin film of oil to prevent sticking
  • In a food processor, combine the soaked and drained chickpeas, onion, parsley, cilantro, garlic, salt, pepper, cumin, cinnamon, and the olive oil.
  • Process until smooth, about 3-4 minutes (mixture should resemble coarse sand)
  • Using your hands or a small ice cream scoop, scoop out about 2 tablespoons of the mixture at a time. Shape the falafel into small patties, about 2 inches wide and ½ inch thick
  • Bake for 20 to 25 minutes, carefully flipping the falafels halfway through baking, until the falafels are deeply golden on both sides.
    Baked Falafel on a silpat cookie sheet right out of the oven
  • Serve with pita bread, lettuce, cucumber, tomato, feta cheese, red onion, hummus and/or tzatziki (or other herbed garlic sauce)
  • These falafels keep well in the refrigerator for up to 5-7 days, or in the freezer for several months


  • Use dried chickpeas, not canned. Canned chickpeas do not work for falafel. They’re far too wet. If you try to use canned chickpeas instead of dried and soaked chickpeas, you’ll end up with sad falafel pancakes.
  • This recipe makes enough 24-30 falafels, and can easily be halved if you want to make a smaller batch
  • If the falafels aren’t sticking together while shaping, add a little more oil to the mixture
  • Depending on the size of your food processor, you may need to work in a couple of batches. 
  • For a crispier texture, you could brush a little olive oil on the top of your formed falafel patties before cooking … but not necessary
Keyword Baked, Chickpeas, Cilantro, Crispy Falafal, Easy, Falafel, healthy, High, Homemade, Parsley, Protein, Vegan, vegetarian

One thought on “Crispy Baked Falafel: Easy, Healthy, and Delicious”

  1. 5 stars
    I made a full recipe tonight as I wanted to also freeze some. They turned out absolutely amazing and are super delicious. The Falafel were incredibly easy to make and I now need to make some of the homemade ranch dressing.

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