Who is Communal Fire? sounds like a simple enough question, my name is Darryl Koster and I am the primary writer and designer for this food site. I have over 20 years experience in restaurant and food production with the last 15 years being solely dedicated to the southern BBQ restaurant and meat packing plant, Buster Rhino’s.
In that time we created recipes, came up with innovative food packing methods, and also became the largest producer of pork rinds in Canada. I won awards for entrepreneurship, for recipes, for innovative new products, and many peoples choice awards. I have since moved on from that venture, I still continue to work in the food industry as a consultant (BDK Consulting).
Communal Fire came about over a decade ago, I was creating recipes and working on new products, and many of those were just kept in my personal recipe index. Recipes sometimes just didn’t fit into the business model of BBQ, and I wanted to share them with friends and family. The business became busier and I just lost the time to post new recipes after just a dozen. It’s time to start putting them up again and writing new recipes.
I hope you enjoy the recipes, advice, and instructional posts on Communal Fire. If you are looking for specific recipes, or would like me to try one of yours send me a message.
Darryl Koster